Friday, March 16, 2012

Tribute to Grandpa

My Grandpa Wagner passed away in his sleep on Tuesday, March 6th, 2012. He was 98 years old. I miss him but am so happy for him that he gets to move on to the next life and be reunited with his family and loved ones. It is such a happy sad feeling I have. He was such a great man--so kind-hearted and loving, and his family was his world. How he loved his family!

Grandpa holding Shayla, about 2005.
Grandpa, Ty and Mom holding Shayla
Standing with my Aunt Audrey's old pink Schwinn that Grandpa rode faithfully everyday until he was over 95. When family wanted to buy him a new bike for his birthday, he said, "Why would you want to do that, I already have a bike!" 
Grandpa and Mary--his girlfriend who passed away 3 years ago. They were such a great couple and loved to go ballroom dancing together and play golf. They stayed so active that they really couldn't get old.
This was at his 90th birthday celebration.

Jacob, Ty, Shayla and Sarah at Grandpa's 90th celebration.

Enjoying authentic Chicago-style 'dogs together.
Left to right, back row: Brad, Clancy, Joe, Heather, Cameron, Mary, Grandpa, Jacob and Wes.
Front Row: Sarah, Audrey, Kristina, Ty, Lani, Shayla and Mom.

Sarah, Grandpa and Jacob when we gathered for Mary's funeral in 2009.
Grandpa with some of his great-grandkids. L-R: Shayla, Garrett, Grant, Ty, Grandpa, Hadley & Hyrum

I will forever remember camping in Yellowstone with you, listening to you tell stories about WWII and being scared to death, loving being tickled by your tickle finger, thinking you were magic when you would make the train-whistle noise, talking on the phone and always feeling your love even though we lived far away, your bumper sticker that read, "Happiness is Dancing at Zavadas," the way you were so upset at the amusement park Lagoon when I chipped my front tooth on a ride and so concerned for me, and the good example you've always set of putting family first and truly living life.