Tuesday, April 20, 2010

april fools

Tyler made breakfast on April Fool's day, and somehow the eggs turned blue and the milk turned blue and pink. Imagine that!
The missionaries joined us for dinner and Garrett and I decided to play a trick on them. We made my rhubarb coffee cake and told them it was a "chicken stuffing casserole" and served scoops of ice cream as mashed potatoes. One of the Elders got it and was playing along with it for the kids, but the other one was really baffled when he saw the "mashed potatoes." "Wait a minute--why are we having ice cream with dinner?!!"
Garrett then shouted, "April Fools!"
The best was when we were sitting up to dinner and Garrett said, looking at the "casserole," "Yum! Chicken casserole thingy!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

First broken bone

Shayla broke her arm at recess on the day we brought Miya home from the hospital. It was a rough few days and took a trip to the specialist to discover the break and get her casted. She was bummed
because she couldn't hold Miya very well with a broken arm.
Bath time was an adventure. Thank goodness for Target bags and lots of saran wrap!
Shayla carried a sharpie with her wherever we went so people could sign her cast. She also got pretty good at using her cast to keep her brothers in line. I bet she wishes she had it back some days :)

Merry Christmas!

Okay, here is a hodge-podge group of photos. I call it "Catching up with the Hackings and their lovely visitors." Catchy title, I know.

Fun with Grandma at the Mill Museum (left), and Tyler and Miya on Christmas Day 2009. Which one looks more tired?

Garrett and Eva, in disguise. She loved to wrap up in blankets and walk around. Our very own Mary, (or homeless person :)

Christmas morning--the excitement was tangible

A week of fun with Kristina and her girls Felicity and Eva--such good times!
Kris, you kept me sane during the month of December--I am indebted to you!

Sleepy sisters

In January Seth and Emily came out for a fun visit--so great to see you both! To see great photos/video footage of their visit, check out Emily's blog here
(thanks Emily!)
Miya 5 weeks old
Okay, that's all for now...more rambling catch-ups to come

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


happy easter!

Hi there...so it's been a while. It feels like I've been on a roller coaster for the past few months. Some breathtaking loops, thrilling turns, memorable moments mixed with moments when all I can do it hang on, scream and hope I don't throw up. But would I trade this ride for anything? Not a thing. I heard Seinfeld say that he loved parenthood--all of it, even when it is terrible I love it, he said. I would have to agree. Even when the kids are freaking out and a mutiny threatens Tyler and I look at each other and just have to smile (or laugh, or cry--depends on the day). These are the moments that I try to soak in and remember for the days when our kids are grown and the house is clean and quiet. When I think about it I start to miss these days already. I love, love, love my life and feel so grateful for it.

So, I think I'll start with the present and work backwards and try to catch up.

Today at lunch Garrett was trying to count to a google (he made it all the way to 100 and then skipped straight to a google!) It is his favorite number and he is aiming to live to be that old--good luck Garrett! Anyway right in the middle of the counting Grant pointed at me and in a loud voice said "Give me back my fillet-o-fish!!" So I've been laughing all day hearing his little voice singing th McDonald's commercial. He quotes movies non-stop. His current favorites are from American Idol, singing "pants on the ground," and from Night at the museum, "Oh, he's so cute. Just like a little piece of cous-cous." (said with a lisp).

Miya on Easter Sunday, wearing her heirloom dress made by Nana