Saturday, August 29, 2009

Last Thursday I was listening to Glen Beck on talk radio, when I heard a caller invite him to something (a political thing, I'm sure--I started listening halfway through the conversation and didn't hear what) for a particular weekend. Glenn said he would love to be there, but he already had plans that weekend. Let me paraphrase what he said: "I was reading my scriptures and it hit me that I had never spent a weekend on my knees, in prayer. I have planned a weekend with my family and a few friends to join in fasting and prayer, and to really seek to hear His voice. So many times I hear Glenn's voice, what I want to do, what I think, etc., but I really want to get better at hearing His voice and knowing what He would have me do."

There I was, driving to the zoo, listening to a national radio station and I felt like I was sitting in a fast and testimony meeting. I was so uplifted to hear Glenn share a piece of his testimony and I wanted to share mine, too. I was so proud of him and so grateful to have people in the media who stand for truth and will fight to seek and uphold all truth.

I know that in spite of all of the political and economic turmoil in the world, everything will work out in the end. I know that we have a living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, who leads the Lord's church just as He would if he were here upon the earth. I know that the future is as bright as my faith. I don't need to fear or worry because I know who will win in the end. I am grateful that my home can be a safe haven from the worries of the world, and that I can teach my children right from wrong and pray for them that they will make good choices and be the strong, valiant children I know them to be. I love my life. I love my family. I love my country and pray for its leaders. I'm not too happy with the direction they are taking our country right now, but there is always hope. And I'm going to keep praying.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Then and Now

My sis, Kris, pointed out that I had conveniently only posted pics of me hiding my preggo belly behind my kids, tables, etc. All part of the plan, my dear sis. Here's why.

This was me 5 months pregnant with Ty, baby #1
(I was Princess Leia for Halloween):

I just had to include this one--me with my hunky Indiana Jones husband. Lucky girl I am!
This is me 6 months pregnant with baby #5:

Notice a slight difference?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dairy Days

The kids always love the petting zoo
Garrett really wanted to feed the cows

Grant and Garrett driving the tractor

Ahh, Grant takes after his mom

in regards to ice-cream-loving

Ty and Shayla with some friends

Makes me think of the song "Oklahoma!"

Grant having a chat with the cows

So living in Wisconsin has its perks. Like visiting this dairy farm that opened its doors to the city folk for a day. Wisconsin cheese curds, battered and deep fried, are the best! And the ice cream isn't bad either. I think I'm becoming a Wisconsin-gal. I really love it here--especially in the summertime.

Our big 2 year old!

Grant turned 2 on August 2nd. He LOVED his birthday, and still asks most mornings if it is his birthday. Enjoy the photos!
Make a wish, Grant!

Our neighbors came over for some b-day cake, and took this family photo

Basketball with the fam

Grant loves the tire swing. I don't know if you can see it, but his protective big bro and sis each put a hand over his to help him hang on, since he let go and fell off once.
I think it is so sweet of them (but Grant doesn't appreciate it too much :)

Birthday lunch celebration!

Grant thinks he is 6 already--ahhh, they grow up way too fast!

Having breakfast in bed--a birthday favorite!