So, have any of you ever wondered what would happen if you accidentally threw a pull-up into the washing machine? Wonder-no-more!
You know those little silicone-like-beads that come out of a diaper that has gone swimming? Yep, a combination of those beads and lint becomes imbedded on each and every article of clothing in the washer. And FYI, it's not enough just to run the wash cycle again to get everything clean. You must take everything out, shake as much of the sticky beads out of each individual piece of clothing as is humanly possible and THEN run the washer a third time in order to have clothes free of pull-up remains.
Now I'm really behind on the laundry--it did me in to wash one load three times.
On a side note, I used to do laundry just one day a week. A huge mountain of laundry, but at least I only had to do it once a week. Four kids made that entirely impossible, so I try to do a little each day. I'm pretty good at getting it all washed, but folding it is another thing entirely. But I just copied an idea from my sis-in-law and put a 5-shelf storage in the laundry room. Now I try to fold the clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer instead of piling them in baskets to fold when I have some free time (ha-ha). Every member of the fam has a 1/2 shelf where I put their folded clothes and I throw all the socks in a basket for the kids to fold. I still have a mountain of laundry to deal with, but it seems so much more manageable.
So, what are your laundry secrets? Tips? Anyway to make it disappear?